The system of human motion, What's the system of motion in humans?


The system of human motion
Human motion

The system of human motion

What's the system of motion in humans?

Motion system or the musculoskeletal system is the body system that gives humans the ability to move using bone and muscle. Motion system in humans include skeletal system and the muscular system of the human. 

In addition to providing the ability in the body to move, the motion systems in humans can also support the shape of body posture, withstand the weight of the body, to maintain the stability of the movement of the body. 

In short, the system motion in humans not only helps the body move, but also control so that the body movements are not done in excess. Therefore bones and muscles work together in a system of this motion. 

The problem is, if there is no skeleton formed of the bones in the body, muscle fibers that contract can't make You sit, stand, walk, or run because its movement is not controlled. 

The muscular system and skeletal human

The human muscular system

On a motion system, the human muscular system is one of the important elements. The human muscular system is divided into three types, namely smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle.

Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are the two types of muscle movement can not be Your set. This means both that the muscle will move voluntarily, without the need for You to think about it.

Meanwhile, the skeletal muscles, i.e. the muscles are attached to bones in the whole body, is the muscle movement You can set. The function of skeletal muscle is to contract to move parts of certain bones in the body.

In addition, skeletal muscle also has the function to protect the organs in the body, especially that contained in the abdominal area. Not only that, skeletal muscle can also support the weight of these organs.

Skeletal system human

In addition to the human muscular system, the skeletal system is also important in the system of human motion. The skeletal system includes the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, to cartilage.


The bones in the body will form a framework that served to support the posture of the human body and helps the body against gravity. In addition, the order of the human body also serves to keep the internal organs in the body.

For example, the bones of the skull serves to protect the brain that are not easily subjected to injury. Then the spine that served to protect the spinal cord. So also with ribs that serve to protect the heart and lungs located in the chest.

In addition to shaping of the skeleton, the bones work together with muscles to produce body movements. Then, given the content of calcium in the bones more than the other organs of the body, the bones can also be the storage of calcium needed by the body.


The joint is a meeting place of two bones or more. Most of the joints in the body is quite light and easy to move, so the bones are “met” in the joint was also easy to move.

The form of the joint usually depends on the function of each. However, the more easily the movement occurs in the joint, the higher the risk of injury that may occur. This is due to the movement that occurs reduces the strength of the joint.

The joints are divided into three types based on movement, i.e. a joint that can not move, joints that can move but is limited, and the joints can move freely.


Tendon is a connective tissue fiber that attach the muscles with bones. However, the tendon can also attach muscles to structures such as the eyeball. Therefore, the tendon serves to move the bone or structure.

In the joints, the tendons are usually attached to the sides of the joints are attached to bones and function to control the movement of the joints.


Meanwhile, the ligament is also a connective tissue fiber that attach bone to bone. Generally, the ligaments serve to hold or structure-the structure of the body together and keeping it stable.

One example is the ligaments of the knee the anterior (anterior cruciate ligament) that connects between the thigh bone with the shin bone and stabilize the knee joint.

Disorders in the system of human motion

Musculoskeletal disorders or motion system in humans is a condition that impairs the function of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, to the muscles.

Often, disorders of the motion system in humans is a degenerative or a disease that causes the function of the body suffered damage slowly but surely.

In addition, musculoskeletal disorders can cause pain and reduce Your ability to move. This can prevent You from doing your daily activities as usual.

Symptoms general system disorders of human motion

There are a few symptoms or complaints that are generally perceived by the patient when experiencing interference on the system of human motion. Here are some of the symptoms and complaints are relatively common:

• Pain.

• Fatigue.

• Sleep disorders.

• Inflammation, swelling, redness.

• Decrease in range of motion.

• Loss of function.

• Tingling.

• Numbness.

• Muscle weakness or the strength of grip decreased.

• Disorders of the system human motion that attack the muscles.

Here are some of the health problems and diseases that disrupt the system of motion by attacking the function of the muscles. Among them:


Myalgia or more often referred to as muscle pain is one of the problem of motion system in humans that attacks the muscles and is quite often experienced. Pain that is felt in the muscles arises because the muscle is too often used with repetitive movements.

Usually, this happens when You do extreme sports with high-intensity, or do heavy work which requires large power. Not only that, muscle pain can also be a symptom of a health problem other muscle.


Almost the same with the muscle pain, fibromyalgia is a system problem muscle also cause pain in the muscles. The difference, if myalgia only felt in the group of muscles in one area of the body course, fibromyalgia can cause muscle pain felt in the whole body simultaneously.

Muscle injury

Muscle injury or better known as a sprain, is a disorder of the motion system in humans that attacked the muscle tendon (muscle strain) or of the muscles and ligaments (muscle sprain).

A muscle injury which is light will cause the muscles are interested or stretchable. Meanwhile, at a level that is severe enough, the muscle tissue may be torn partially or even entirely. Generally, injury to this muscle occurs in the area of the lower body, especially hips and thighs.

Muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a collection of muscle disease that is usually caused by a hereditary condition that slowly weakens the muscles.

The disease is classified as progressive disease, so over time, Your condition will getting worse if you have muscular dystrophy.

This disease can not be treated, but treatment for muscular dystrophy can slow down the progress of the disease and alleviate the symptoms that appear.

Muscle atrophy

Disorders of the motion system in humans that attack this muscle causes shrinkage of muscle mass. Muscle atrophy can be caused by several things, ranging from muscles that are too long are not used, malnutrition, use of drugs, up to certain health conditions.

Usually, this condition is experienced by people who have jobs with the movement of which is limited, for example a job that requires You sit for hours on end. Then, a stroke patient who might not be able to move the muscles in certain body parts, and much more.

Cramps and muscle spasms

The second issue of this muscle has a characteristic which is almost the same. Muscle cramps and muscle spasms occur when the muscle contracted suddenly and uncontrolled. In fact, this condition can appear in the evening until the pain keeps You awake from a deep sleep.

Although relatively harmless and can disappear by itself, You can't use the muscles that are cramping or spasms until her condition improves.

Disorders in the system of human motion that attack the bone

In addition to disorders of the motion system in humans that attacks the muscles, there are also health issues that affect bones, such as the following.


According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is a bone disease and decreased bone mass density that occurs gradually. This disease does not cause symptoms, so it is usually only realized when You have suffered a broken bone.


Fractures often occur because of accidents, falls, to sporting injuries. However, this condition can also occur because of the low muscle mass to osteoporosis which causes bones to become fragile and easily broken.

Abnormalities of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)

In addition to diseases, disorders in the system of human motion can also be abnormalities of the spine. There are three types of abnormalities in the spine, namely, kyphosis (hunchback), lordosis (lower back too upright and pointing to the back), and scoliosis (the back forming the letter s).


Disorders of the motion system in humans this is a problem of the spine that causes lower back pain or pain. Spondylolisthesis happens when the vertebrae shift out of place onto the bone below it. Such a shift is pressing on the nerve causing pain.


Spondylosis is a problem in the spine that occur as part of the aging process, or condition that is degenerative. The aging process on the spine it usually occurs at the bone spur and the disc between the vertebrae.


Osteopenia is a health problem the bones that originated from the loss of bone density so that bones become increasingly brittle. Diseases that interfere with the motion system in humans this can occur because the bones lack of calcium. Patients with osteopenia may experience osteoporosis in the later in the day.


Osteomalacia or osteomalacia is a condition when the bones could not be hardened and prone to bent or broken. This condition usually occurs due to the body lack of vitamin D.

If not addressed immediately, this condition can also cause the curved bone, especially the bones on duty to withstand the weight of the body. In fact, in adults, osteomalacia can lead to bone fractures.

Paget's disease of bone

Paget's disease of bone is a disorder that causes the bones in certain parts of the body become thicker and bigger. This disease, can later interfere with the recycling process of new bone tissue to replace bone tissue that long.

Your risk of developing this condition increases as you age. However, this risk is also increased if there are family members who experienced it.

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Health problems on the system of human motion that attack the muscles the next is osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). OI is a group of rare disorders that attack the connective tissue. This makes the bones become fragile and break easily for no apparent reason.

Some of the health problems other bones that need to be considered is including achondroplasia, osteopetrosis, and osteomyelitis.

Disorders in the system of human motion that affects the joints

Here are some of the types of health problems that interfere with a motion system in humans by attacking the joints:


Arthritis is a health problem that occurs due to the presence of inflammation or inflammatory in the joints. Arthritis is divided into several types, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, septic arthritis, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.


Bursitis is the inflammation and swelling that occurs in the bursae, which is part of the joint that form the pouch contains a lubricant. Bursae are usually located on the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, feet up.


Disorders in the system of human motion that affects the joints occurs in the tendon. A person who is experiencing tendinitis means inflammation or swelling of the tendons which occurred as a result of injury that happens suddenly.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, pain in palm and Your arm. This condition usually occurs when one of the main nerves of the hand shrink and move towards to the wrist.

This condition can occur when You experience inflammation of the joints (arthritis) around the tendon in the wrist that is pressing the median nerve.

In addition to some of these health problems, disorders of the motion system in humans that affect the joints include sliding joints, tendon injuries, and tennis elbow.

Orthopedic doctors

The task of orthopedic doctors in dealing with disorders of the motion system in humans

Orthopedic doctors are physicians that handle the problems surrounding the bones and joints. The problem dealt with ranging from the simple, such as ankle sprains, infections, sports injuries, to fractures.

These doctors also deal with problems such as arthritis, rheumatism, a congenital bone disorder such as scoliosis or osteogenesis imperfecta, bone problems due to aging such as osteoporosis, until a bone tumor.

Basically, if You are experiencing interference on the system of human motion that cause pain or pain, consult Your health condition to the doctor bone. Common problems that can be checked, among others:

Difficulties using certain parts of the body to perform daily activities.

Pain the muscles, tendons, or joints that lasts more than a few days.

Joint pain that becomes more intense when resting or sleeping.

Swelling or bruising around the joint or the location of the injury.

The distance of motion is limited, such as difficulty or painful to straighten your back.

Deformity of the joints.

Signs of infection include fever and inflammation, swelling, and redness in the joints.

Symptoms pain in the bones anywhere in Your body.

Choose the spine specialist a good

To help cope with the disorder in the system of human motion, You certainly do not want to carelessly in choosing a doctor. Choose a doctor who has a track record of trusted medical. Among other things, its success in addressing the issue of bone health.

There are a few things You need to do in determining the orthopedic doctor a good:

• Ask for references on Your general practitioner for an orthopedic doctor that good.

• Ask for a referral from the hospital for the bone doctor who has a excellent track record.

• Ask family, friends, or coworkers who may have orthopedic surgery or are familiar with the bone doctor.

• Search for information via the internet and the website of the hospital, to find out which hospital to undergo bone surgery.

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