The human muscular system, Get to know the human muscular system

The human muscular system
Human muscular

The human muscular system

Get to know the human muscular system

The human muscular system comprises more than 600 muscles in the body. These muscles are formed of specialized cells called muscle fibers.

You might think that the so-called muscle with just a look or appear to be under a layer of skin only. Whereas, in addition to skeletal muscle visible under the skin, there are also smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.

In addition to the bones, muscles are also attached to the internal organs and blood vessels. Each type of muscle has a specific function, but its main is to create a movement. In fact, almost every movement in the body is the result of muscles contracting.

Not only movement, muscle contraction also helps to regulate the body posture, joint stability, and heat production of the body.

Type-the type of muscle

The human muscular system based on the type

Muscle is one of the four most important network in the body. This network is made of specialized cells called fibers. Muscle tissue is divided into three different types.

Type-the type of muscle tissue is which is:

Smooth muscle

Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle

Smooth muscles can be found in the walls of internal organs such as blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, bladder, up the uterus. Not only that, the smooth muscle can also be found on the eyes.

On the organs used to see this, the smooth muscles serve to change the size of the iris or the iris and change the shape of the lens of the eye. The smooth muscles on the skin can also lead to hair stand when facing the cold weather or the fear that came up.

However, on the muscular system of man, mechanism of action of smooth muscles is controlled by the nervous system automatically. That is, the muscles can move and is controlled by the subconscious brain, without You need to control with the conscious mind.

Although its existence You do not realize, smooth muscle continue to work in the body. Function of smooth muscles of the variegated, depending on the layout and its position in the body. For example, the motion mechanism of the smooth muscle in the digestive system, such as contracting and relaxing alternately, help the food get into the body when the digestive process occurs.

The characteristics of smooth muscles are spindle-shaped or have a shaft with a single central core. The mechanism of contraction of this muscle is to contract slowly and rhythmically.

Cardiac muscle (heart muscle)

Cardiac muscle (heart muscle)
Cardiac muscle

Different with smooth muscle that can be found in several locations in the body, the heart muscle is only found in the walls of the heart and is controlled by the nervous system automatically.

Heart muscle cells have stripes of light and dark called striated. The arrangement of the fiber protein in a cell causes the bright ribbons and dark. Heart muscle cells cylindrical, elongated, with a nucleus in the middle.

The contraction of the heart muscle is generally controlled by the unconscious, but strong enough, and has a rhythm. When the heart muscle contracts, blood will be pumped out, while the muscles of the heart relaxation, the blood will again enter into the heart after circulating throughout the body.

Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle is part of the muscular system which have close links with the musculoskeletal system. Understanding of skeletal muscle is the muscle tissue attached to bones of the human. Skeletal muscle be the only muscle tissue that can be controlled consciously.

On the human muscular system, the skeletal muscles become one of the most important because those of you who are on all parts of the body. The function of skeletal muscle is to contract to move parts of the body closer to the bone attached to the muscle.

Most skeletal muscle is attached to two bones along the joint, so the muscle serves to move parts of the bones closer to each other. Skeletal muscle not only serves to generate the movement, but also stop it.

In addition, skeletal muscle can also prevent the movement of the bones and joints excessive. The goal is to maintain the stability of the bone and prevent the occurrence of damage to the bone structure itself.

Muscle tissue is also help You to be able to control consciously certain functions in the body, such as chewing and remove small and large.

The function of skeletal muscle is also to protect the internal organs, especially those located in the abdominal area, as well as help support the weight of these organs.

Cells of the skeletal muscle partner with the cells of the heart muscle that has a striated. However, the cells of skeletal muscle cylindrically-shaped branched and have a nucleus many cells in each fiber.

Muscle function

The function of the human muscular system

Each type of muscle found in the muscular system of the human have their respective functions. Here are some of the functions of the muscular system in the body.

Do the movements of the body

Do the movements of the body
Movements of the body

Skeletal muscle responsible for movement that You do. Skeletal muscles attached to bones and controlled by the central nervous system (CNS).

Skeletal muscles are used whenever You move. Muscle follow the direction of the movement that You want, together with bones and tendons.

Set the posture of the body

Set the posture of the body
Posture of the body

Skeletal muscles are also regulate Your posture. Flexibility and strength is key to maintaining the right posture. Stiff neck muscles, back muscles weak, or the muscles of the hips are stiff can ruin Your alignment.

Poor posture can affect parts of Your body and cause joint pain and muscle weakness.

Keep the balance

Keep the balance
Keep the balance

Skeletal muscles help protect the spine and help You maintain balance. In muscular system there are so-called core muscles, including abdominal muscles, back muscles, and pelvic muscles. The stronger Your core muscles, the better the balance of Your body.

Support the circulation of human blood

Support the circulation of human blood
Circulation of human

On the human muscular system, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle of the existence of which is not realized serves to help the heart beat and the flow of blood flow to the entire body. It is usually characterized by the presence of electrical impulses.

The heart muscle found in the walls of the heart. This is controlled by the autonomic nervous system which is responsible for most of the functions of the body. Your blood vessels consist of smooth muscle, and is also controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Help the breathing process

Help the breathing process
Breathing process

The diaphragm is the main muscle worked during breathing. When You breathe more heavily, like when you're exercising, the diaphragm requires the help of other muscles, such as abdominal muscles, neck muscles, and back muscles.

Supports the digestive process

Supports the digestive process
Digestive process

The human muscular system also works in helping the process of digestion. Yes, when the body digest food, the process is controlled by smooth muscles found in the digestive tract.

Smooth muscles of You went limp and stiffened when the food passes through the body during the digestive process takes place. These muscles also help to push food out of Your body through bowel movements, or vomiting when sick.

Encourage the baby during the delivery process

Smooth muscle is also found in the uterus. During pregnancy, these muscles dilate and stretch when the fetal body in the womb. During childbirth, the smooth muscles in the uterus to contract and relaxation to help push the baby through the vagina.

Muscle groups

The grouping of skeletal muscle

To better understand the muscular system of the order, You can learn it through the grouping of muscles such as the following:

1. Muscles of the head and neck

Muscles of the head and neck
Muscles of head and neck

According to the SEER Training Modules of the National Cancer Institute, the system of skeletal muscles also include the muscles on your face. This muscle makes humans can show a variety of expressions, ranging from the expression of surprise, disgust, anger, fear, and various other expressions.

Human expression including one of the important elements in non-verbal communication. Skeletal muscle contained on the part of the face including the frontalis, orbicularis oris, laris oculi, buccinator, and zygomaticus.

Meanwhile, there are four pairs of skeletal muscle that is in charge of the process of chewing food. The muscles belonging to the muscles of the most powerful in the entire body is connected to the jaw part under You. Two of these muscles are the temporalis and masseter.

2. The muscles of the torso

The muscles of the torso
Muscle of the torso

Meanwhile, torso muscles, including the muscles that move the spine, the muscles that form the abdominal wall, and muscles that protect the pelvis.

The muscles incorporated in the skeletal muscle in the trunk of the body is the group of erector spinae muscles which are located on the sides of the spine is tasked to help the body maintain an upright position when standing or sitting.

Then, the muscles incorporated in the system of skeletal muscles in the trunk of the body next is the muscle in the walls of the thoracic or chest that are involved in the breathing process. This muscle is located in the cavity between the ribs. The muscles contract when You exhale.

3. The muscles of the upper extremities

The muscles of the upper extremities
Upper extremities

System of skeletal muscle at the muscles of the upper extremities include the muscles that attach the scapula to the chest and move the shoulder blades, which attach the upper arm bone to the scapula and move the arm, as well as the muscles located in the lower arm that moves the palm of the hand, forearm, and wrist.

The muscles included in the upper extremities is the triceps brachii, biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis.

4. The muscles of the lower extremities

The muscles of the lower extremities
Lower extremities

Meanwhile, the muscles belong to the skeletal muscle part of the lower extremities are the muscles that move the thigh. Then, the muscles of the gluteus, which main function is to move the hips. However, these muscles protrude in the direction of the thigh.

There is also a muscle that serves to move the legs. For example, the extensor muscles of the large limbs (quadriceps femoris) which can straighten the legs at the knees. Then the muscles harmstring, that is a large muscle that extends from the hips to the bottom of the knee, are also part of the system skeletal muscle at the muscles of the lower extremities.

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Disorders or diseases of the human muscular system

The same is the case with the skeletal system and joints of humans, there are some disorders or problems of the muscular system You need to know and be aware of. Here are some of the disorders, problems, and diseases related with the muscular system of man, in whom:

1. Myalgia


Myalgia or muscle pain is one of the problems of the musculoskeletal system are quite often experienced. In fact, it could be, all people have experienced the condition of this one.

Causes of muscle pain can be variegated, but generally this condition is caused by muscle injury or the use of muscles excessively. In addition, this condition can also be caused by a variety of diseases that are also related to the human muscular system, for example fibromyalgia.

Therefore, it is important the law to always maintain the health of muscles that are not easily experienced.

2. Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps

The problem on the muscular system this one occurs when contracted muscles are quite strong and make muscles toned suddenly. Conditions that may last for a few minutes this can cause pain.

Generally, muscle cramps occurred in the leg. Although tend to be not dangerous, as experience it, You can't use or move the muscles that are experiencing cramps.

3. Muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy

Interference on the system the next muscle is the muscle damage that occurs due to congenital abnormalities birth which is generally hereditary. Muscular dystrophy this is a collection of diseases that attack the muscles.

This condition is caused by a lack of the protein dystrophin, a protein needed by the body to help the muscles function normally.

4. Muscle atrophy

Muscle atrophy
Muscle atrophy

Other health problems that attack the human muscular system is the muscle atrophy. Generally, this condition happens when the muscles shrink because of too long time no use.

However, some other things may also be the cause of muscle atrophy, such as aging process, malnutrition, use of drugs, to other health condition.

5. Paralysis


Health problems this one causes the patient to lose strength and control over most muscles in the body. This condition can be centralized only in one area of the body, for example only in the face, in the legs, or in the hands.

However, do not rule out the possibility that this condition is also experienced in some parts of the body simultaneously. Paralysis is distinguished into several types:

  • Paresis: partial paralysis, where the patient can still control some of his muscles.
  • Paraplegia: paralysis that attacks the muscles in both legs and the lower body.
  • Quadriplegia: paralysis of which attack the muscles in both hands, both feet, and sometimes from the neck down.
  • Hemiplegia: paralysis that attacks the muscles in one side of the body only.

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