Musculoskeletal Disorders (Bones, Joints, Muscles)


Musculoskeletal Disorders (Bones, Joints, Muscles)
Musculoskeletal Disorders

The definition of musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders is a condition that disrupts the function of joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves and tendons, as well as the spine. Your musculoskeletal system involves the structures that support limbs, neck and back.

Musculoskeletal disorders often is a degenerative disease, a disease that causes the tissues of Your body in the long run suffered damage. 

This can lead to pain and reduce Your ability to move, which can prevent You in doing daily activities as usual.

Musculoskeletal disorders can affect any area in the body. The main parts including the neck, shoulder, wrist, back, hips, knees, and feet. 

Symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders can cause inflammation in many different parts of the body. If experiencing musculoskeletal disorders, You may feel pain in the whole body.

You may feel the muscles heat or twitching as if it were drawn. Symptoms will vary on each person, but the signs and common symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders including:

  • Pain or aching.
  • Stiff.
  • Lumbago.
  • Back pain.
  • Neck pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Body posture worsens.
  • Inflammation, swelling, redness.
  • Decrease in range of motion.
  • Loss of function.
  • Tingling.
  • Numbness or stiffness.
  • Muscle weakness or the strength of grip decreased.

If You have any questions about the symptoms or have any problems, contact Your doctor for more information.

Causes & risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders

Given the musculoskeletal includes many parts of the body, the cause of this disorder vary greatly. The exact causes of musculoskeletal disorders depending on the:

  • Age, the elderly tend to experience musculoskeletal pain of the cells of the body are damaged.
  • The type of work or profession.
  • The intensity of the activism.
  • Habit of bad posture.
  • Too passive in doing physical activity.
  • Injury or trauma to a body part due to sudden movements.
  • A car accident or motor.

Who is at risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders?

Musculoskeletal disorders occur when You overuse or abuse of a group of muscles or bones in a long time without rest.

There are some few things that might increase Your risk of developing disorders of the motion system, in which:

1. Certain movements

  • Bending or squatting.
  • Lifting heavy objects.
  • Pushing or pulling heavy objects.
  • Stretch the muscles excessive.
  • Trying to reach an object that are far away.
  • Movement repeat using members of the same body constantly.
  • Do physical work for too long.
  • Driving with the vehicle weight, traveling long distances, or drive on the streets heavy.

2. Stress

Not only physical activity, it turns out that stress and too many thoughts can lead to the emergence of musculoskeletal disorders.

3. Certain health conditions

If You have the disease, certain health problems, or have recently suffered an injury, You could experience musculoskeletal disorders.

Not only that, pregnancy also increases the risk You experience it. In fact, when You feel tired and less fit, are more prone to disorders of the motion system than currently being in a healthy condition and fit.

How to diagnose musculoskeletal disorders

To diagnose musculoskeletal disorders, Your doctor will perform a physical examination and medical history thoroughly to determine the exact cause of Your pain. 

Your doctor may test your muscles and joints to:

  • Weakness or degeneration.
  • Every twitch that can indicate nerve damage.
  • Swelling or redness. 

In addition, depending on the particular disorder, the doctor may conduct imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis. They may do x-rays to see the bones, or blood test for the rheumatic diseases.

Musculoskeletal disorders in the bones and joints

Musculoskeletal disorders that attack the bones

Disease, abnormalities, or problems on the bone that interfere with its function in the system of motion including as musculoskeletal disorders. Here are the various disorders of the skeletal system in the form of disease, abnormalities, and health problems of the bones, including:

1. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that appears when occurs bone loss-the bones in the body. This causes the bones to become weak and easily broken. In fact, in the case of fairly broken, bones can be broken just because of a sneeze or impact small.

Although osteoporosis is not caused by increasing age, this condition is more susceptible to experienced by women in advanced age. However, it does not mean this condition may not be experienced by men or young children.

2. Fractures

Broken bones can be distinguished based on the level of severity. On levels that are still relatively mild, the bone may just be experiencing the rift only. However, at levels severe enough, the bone may be broken up into two or more.

Broken bones can occur simultaneously with the problem of health systems of other motion, such as a sprain or bone and the joints shifted.

3. Abnormalities of the spine

Abnormalities in the spine are also included in the musculoskeletal disorders. The characteristics of the abnormalities of the spine this is a problem occurs on the curvature or position.

Various abnormalities of the spine include kyphosis (spine is curved to the front), lordosis (curved spine to the back), and scoliosis (spine is curved to the side forming the letter S).

There is also the problem of the spine, such as spondylolithesis, a condition which occurs when there is a shift of the spine to the bottom. This causes the bones to shift presses on a nerve below and cause pain or pain.

Then, spondylosis is the problem of the degeneration of the spine. Diseases of the spine is divided into three types, namely lumbar spondylosis (degeneration of the attack disc bone belajang the bottom), spondylosis cervicalis (degeneration that attacks the spinal discs in the neck area), and spondylosis of the thoracic (degeneration that affects the joints in the spine in the chest area).

4. Osteopenia

Osteopenia is a musculoskeletal disorder that attacks the bone characterized by reduced bone density. This causes the bones to become more fragile.

This condition occurs when the bone needs for calcium are not met. If You are experiencing osteopenia, the risk for experiencing bone loss becomes higher.

5. Osteomalacia

Osteomalacia is a disorder of the musculoskeletal that occurs when the bones become more supple and can not be hardened, so it is often twisted and prone to fracture. This condition usually occurs because the body lacks vitamin D.

If this condition is experienced on a period of growth, osteomalacia can cause the body posture becomes bent or the bones be bent when mature. In addition, osteomalacia can also cause elderly people are susceptible fractures.

6. Paget's disease of bone

Paget's disease of the bone will interfere with the process of recycling network of new bone while replacing bone tissue that long.

As time passes, the disease can cause bones to become brittle. Usually, paget's disease of bone to attack the area of the pelvis, skull, spine, and leg bones.

7. Osteopetrosis

Musculoskeletal problems, which one is characterized by the increase of bone density that occurs due to the presence of the problem of reabsorption of bone by cells in the body which are known as osteoclasts.

This condition causes bones to become fragile and easily broken. On certain conditions, osteopetrosis occur simultaneously with abnormalities in the skeleton.

8. Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is a musculoskeletal problems that hinder the growth of cartilage into bone completely. Problems that attack the bone can cause complications such as respiratory disorders, obesity, to ear infections.

This condition is characterized by dwarfism or dwarfism, the movement of the elbow is limited, the size of the head larger than normal size, and the size of a finger that is smaller than the normal size.

9. Osteogenesis imperfecta

Musculoskeletal disorders this one happens to be hereditary and present since birth. If a child is born with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) may have bones that break easily, or bones that are not formed perfectly, and a variety of other bone diseases.

10. Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is an infection that attacks the bone through the bloodstream or spread from the network that are close to the bone. However, this infection can also come from the bone itself due to the contaminated by bacteria when injured.

Musculoskeletal disorders that affects the joints

The problems and disease that affects the joints also includes a section on disorders of the musculoskeletal or movement system. Here are some types of disorders of the motion system that attack the joints:

1. Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation in the joints. The disease is divided into several types, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or gout, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylosis.

2. Bursitis

Bursitis is the musculoskeletal disorders that interfere with the joints, precisely the bursae, which is part of the joint in the form of pouches that store the lubricating fluid. According to the National Health Service, these conditions can cause pain or soreness in the joints.

3. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is the problem of the joints that invade the tendons, which liaison between the bones with muscles. When experiencing it, the tendons will have swelling that is severe enough.

Usually, this condition occurs after You have experienced the same injury repeatedly in the area such as the wrist or foot. One of the symptoms of joint problems this can cause pain and tenderness in the joints area.

4. Tendon injuries

Tendon injuries usually occur because the tendon is damaged by too often used or part of the aging process. Usually, people who do a the same movement repeatedly potentially experiencing it.

5. Tennis elbow

In fact, musculoskeletal disorders this one is almost the same with a tendon injury, but tennis elbow usually occurs at the joints in the elbow area when You too much use it due to the repetitive movements performed many times from the wrist or arm.

6. Carpal tunnel syndrome

This disease occurs due to the presence of pressure in Your wrist. This can cause the pain to numbness in the area of the hand and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occur if joints in the area pressing on the median nerve causing pain.

Musculoskeletal disorders that attack the muscles

Given the musculoskeletal system includes the human muscular system, disorders of the motion system also includes health problems, abnormalities, and various diseases of the muscles. Which is:

1. Myalgia

Myalgia or muscle pain is a condition that occurs when the muscle is too often used to perform repetitive movements. Usually, this condition is experienced once You do the heavy work that requires you to perform the same movements repeatedly, or intense sports with the same movement.

2. Fibromyalgia

Almost similar to myalgia, fibromyalgia is muscle pain that appears all over the body at the same time. Usually, this condition is also accompanied by excessive feeling of tiredness, sleep disturbances, or mood that are messed up.

3. Muscle injury

Muscle injury, known as a sprain is also one of the musculoskeletal disorders that interfere with the human muscular system.

Sprains can be distinguished based on the location. For example, if injuries strike the tendon, called muscle strain. While sprains that attack the ligament is called a muscle sprain.

4. Muscular dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a group of muscle diseases that cause muscle weakness slowly. This condition is caused by abnormal genes that interfere with production of proteins needed by the muscles healthy.

This condition can not be cured, but at least treatment and therapy can be done to overcome or relieve symptoms.

5. Muscle atrophy

Diseases of the muscles is characterized by muscle weakness that makes it can not be used. Muscle atrophy can be caused because the muscle is too often not used, such as in patients with stroke. Then, malnutrition, use of drugs, up to certain diseases can also be the cause.

6. Cramps and muscle spasms

Cramps and muscle spasms is a health problem muscles almost similar. Muscle cramps and muscle spasm is a condition that occurs when the muscle is contracted suddenly and out of control. This condition can appear while You are sleeping at night, so You awake.

If You experience it, muscle contraction can not be used or driven for a while until this condition improves by itself.

Medicine & treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

Depending on the cause and severity of the pain, there are a variety of treatment that can be done for musculoskeletal disorders.

For pain that is mild or appeared occasionally, You can use pain medications that are sold freely in pharmacies. For example, ibuprofen or paracetamol.

While, drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can be used to treat inflammation and pain. For pain that is severe, You may need painkillers stronger will require a prescription from a doctor.

For pain associated with work, physical therapy can help You avoid further damage, as well as pain control. Manual therapy, or mobilization, can be used to treat problems with alignment of the spine.

Other treatment may include:

  • Relaxation techniques.
  • Injections with anesthetic medications or anti-inflammatory.
  • Muscle strengthening and stretching exercises.
  • Chiropractic care.
  • Massage therapy.

How to control musculoskeletal disorders?

You can control musculoskeletal disorders by managing Your risk factors and prevent injury. Here are some tips that can help:

  •  Put frequently used objects are close to You and easy to reach to avoid stretching the excess on Your arms.
  •  Use the machine vice as much as possible, such as using a trolley when they want to buy in large quantities. 
  •  Rest for a while while doing activities that make You do repetitive movements in the long term.
  • Use a chair that is padded time to sit in long periods of time.
  • Set the layout of the objects on the table effectively when they want to work.
  • Use a headset or earphones when they want to communicate in a long time through the mobile phone.
  •  Limit lifting heavy loads.

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